Colson will be 12 weeks old on Friday! Seriously, where did the time go? He is laughing and smiling at me. He seeks me out in a room. It is so sweet. As happy as my heart is, it still breaks knowing that we will never know what Kailee would have been like. I wonder if this ache will always be here. When we go to the cemetary with Colson, I leave with tears in my eyes because I'm always wondering what she would have been like. Colson loves ceiling fans. Would Kailee have loved them too? I read somewhere that when you bury your child, you also bury a piece of your own heart. That is so true.

A woman at our church died this week. She was 21 years old and newly married. I feel so deeply for her mother. I don't know what would be worse--- Kailee being stillborn or having her for 21 years and then having to let her go. It hurts me to think about what that mother is going through. It really is hell on earth to lose your child.

On a more positive note, many new rainbow babies will be born in the next few months! For those of you not familiar with this term, a "rainbow baby" is a baby born after a loss. The idea is understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. That is so very true.  

My friend told me about a lady who just had her 2nd baby die last week. 8 years ago she had to say goodbye to her son who had Potter's (no kidneys or bladder which meant that baby never had amniotic fluid which is vital for lung development). The chance of having another Potter's child is RIDICULOUSLY low. She gave birth to another Potter's child on Friday. She got one hour with him. How do you fit in a lifetime worth of love in 60 short minutes? Please keep her family in your prayers.