It's been awhile. Shocker, right? Let me start by saying that everything is going perfectly. I am feeling good and Lucas is moving around like a crazy man! It's interesting. They say every pregnancy is different and they weren't lying. This pregnancy has pretty much been a breeze. I'm starting to feel the effects of the 3rd trimester, so it seems it will only get more uncomfortable from here on out.

Lucas is measuring in the 49th percentile..... yes, you read that right.... he's not HUGE like Cole and Kailee. I am also having ZERO blood pressure problems this go round. By this time with Colson, we had already been to L&D a few times to be monitored.

Today is the day in this pregnancy that I had my sweet little Kailee. It's been on my mind all day. Lucas, thankfully, must sense that I'm a little on edge because he has been kicking me hard enough to make my belly jump all day. It's a surreal feeling knowing that I am passing the point in pregnancy again where my water broke with Kailee. I have to keep reminding myself that Lucas is safe and healthy.

We have started preparing for him. We don't have to do much, so that's good. We have bought the extra Angel Care monitor and we have also bought and set up the crib in our bedroom. I have washed Lucas' diapers and plan on washing all our newborn/0-3 month clothes in the next few weeks. I believe that's all we have to do to be prepared. It's crazy, but nice.