Wow.... 14 weeks. This week the nausea is definitely gone. One major change is the amount I have to use the bathroom overnight. I had forgotten how annoying that was! Last night it was 6 times!

This week I will stop my prometrium as the placenta should have taken over by this point. I've been trying very hard to manage my anxiety. I try not to count how many days along I am and more or less am trying hard to ignore the fact that I'm pregnant. My belly is starting to get bigger and I'm getting more uncomfortable at night. i also get out of breath more quickly when I take Colson upstairs and I have to take a break when we get to the top of the stairs. :-)

Colson is about to walk. I am so excited!!!! The past 3-4 days he has figured out how to use his little walker and he is zooming around the house with his cute little toddler walk! I love that kid so much!
3/24/2012 10:09:46 am

I love his walk! And he is seriously the fastest crawler I've ever seen! So happy the nausea is gone. As happy as you are to "feel" pregnant, it still freakin sucks to feel like poopy.


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