I still can't believe I've made it this far. I get more and more nervous as week 18-20 approaches. We will have our big anatomy scan sometime during that period to determine whether or not there is amniotic fluid. They will also check to make sure all vital organs are present, accounted for and functioning correctly.

I continue to have symptoms, which is great. I keep a check on myself everyday. I've been having more and more round ligament pains this week in the same spot I had them with Kailee, so I know that something is growing!

I start back to work again the first week in August, so I'm definitely not looking forward to that. With work comes stress--- lots and lots of stress. (Like I'm not already stressed enough.... )

Otherwise, not much new to report. Just counting down the days until our next appointment and telling Chicken Mini to hang in there!
Ruth Anne Estes
7/19/2010 09:13:04 am

I just found this website that you made for your precious Kailee. I love this and think it is so sweet that you are doing this for her. Brent and you are wonderful parents! I was so excited to read you were expecting again. I figured since it hasn't been announced at church that you guys wanted to keep it private for awhile. Please know that Brent, you, and the baby are in my prayers.

7/20/2010 03:50:28 am

15w3d!! WOW!!!!

I had a lot more exclamation points in this but weebly seriously wouldn't let me submit it...it gave me this message: There are too many exclamation points in your comment. Please remove some exclamation points and try again.


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