Our appointment yesterday went so well. We got to see Colson on the ultrasound, and we were able to bring home the most perfect ultrasound picture! I have a NORMAL level of amniotic fluid!!!!!! THANK GOD!!!! It was amazing to see the difference in the picture quality! She was able to see his bladder (which was full, by the way!) and most of his other organs! He is HEALTHY!

I don't know if I've written about this or not, yet, but after Kailee was born, I developed high blood pressure and had to be put on medication. Because of this, both Colson and I will get much closer monitoring during the second half of the pregnancy. We will receive an ultrasound every 3-4 weeks to check for growth. Pre-eclampsia can cause the baby's growth to be restricted as the blood vessels get restricted. (We are not currently having this problem as Colson is measuring in the 97th percentile for growth!) The possibility of this condition is another worry, but I'm glad they're watching closely and that we will get to see our little boy every few weeks!

I've gone into "new mommy mode." We will be bringing home a little baby in the next few months! I've started to nest. I'm ready to get his room done. I went to a consignment shop this morning (my first time!) and bought 21 outfits and only spent $29.50!!!! They're in the washer/dryer now and I'm so proud of them!

We are picking out baby bedding and updating our registry from Kailee. Thankfully, we didn't know Kailee's gender when we registed at 18 weeks last time, so have been able to keep most of what we registered for. We just need to update it to add boy things!!!!

We've decided to use gdiapers, which are ADORABLE! It consists of a cloth diaper shell and then you put either a cloth insert inside or a disposable insert inside. I have been obsessed with these diapers for some reason. It's the only thing I have let myself get excited about since Kailee died. Weird how I get excited about diapers.....

I can not express how priceless it is to hear the words "healthy baby" from a doctor---especially at the midway point. I've never experienced a "happy" second half of pregnancy, so I am definitely looking forward to enjoying that!
8/14/2010 07:58:41 am

SO happy for you! Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, knowing that sweet boy is coming home to his Mom and Dad soon!

8/14/2010 09:25:28 pm

I am so thrilled for you both! How exciting that baby Colson is strong an developing well!

8/16/2010 01:23:05 am

Carrie and Brent....I am crying for you. I know, well sort of know, how this feels to be told you have a healthy baby. I am so glad you can buy him things and prepare his room and dream about holding him while he kicks and squirms. Carrie, remember you have been a mother since you were pregnant with Kailee....it is just that now you get to practice it every single day. Oh I am so happy for you!!!!!!

8/17/2010 10:07:42 pm

Forgot to let you know that when Lexi was born I had pre-eclampsia too. It did not rear its ugly head the second time around. I remember being on the medicine for 2 weeks after L was born, holding her hoping I didn't stroke out. Hope that helps!

10/10/2010 01:22:40 am

This is such a beautiful blog. I'm glad you made it.

I can so relate to the diaper obsession. It's a lovely thing to be addicted to. :)


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