Kailee was born 2 months ago today. This is the first "31st" that we've had to endure. It's sort of nice that she came on the 31st of the month because we don't have to re-live it EVERY month--- just some of them. This is the first. We went to visit her grave today. We go every week---sometimes a few times a week. I like to go stand over her grave and read her books. I look totally insane, but so many people gave us books for her and it makes me feel better to read them to her.

For those of you that weren't there on the day of the burial, an amazing thing happened! As we drove into the cemetary, three deer were running and actually lead us to her plot. It was an amazing sight. I remember yelling in the car "look at them go! isn't that awesome???" Today, when we pulled up, the same deer were near her grave--- all 3 of them. We like to think our baby was saying hello.

It's been better than I thought it would be. Since it's a holiday, that means that I've been with Brent all day today. That always makes it easier. It's also New Year's Eve--- we are SO VERY EXCITED to say goodbye to this terrible year and move on to a fresh 2010 where we look forward to all the new joys that await us.
1/2/2010 01:46:00 pm

Amen to 2010!!!!

1/3/2010 07:07:52 am

Carrie, I think it is awesome that you read books to Kailee every week. There are so many mothers who never take the time to do that for their kids. They always have the "not now" mindset. As you and I know every moment is precious. I am hoping you are blessed in 2010. I think you are so amazing.


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