Week 20 has been very interesting.... We were in a car accident on Sunday afternoon. As if I wasn't worrying enough! Ha! We were driving through a green light and a woman wasn't paying attention to her own light and barrelled through the intersection. She T-Boned our car and we were send into a skid. I was able to get control of the car, thank goodness, but there was so much damage it had to be towed.

I was so worried about Colson. They checked me out in the ambulance and I had no visible marks on me, but I wondered that the impact had done to him. (She hit the driver's side backseat)

Yesterday, I made an appointment to go see our doctor because I hadn't felt Colson move all day and I wanted him to be checked out. Wouldn't you know that right at the moment before the doctor stepped into the room, he began turning flips and throwing punches/kicks! The doctor assured me that he was WELL protected and something terrible would have to happen to me in order for him to be in real danger.

We were glad to hear this. On Sunday, we called the on call doctor---- he was a jerk! He told me that since I was ONLY 20 weeks, there was nothing they could do and I would miscarry if something was wrong with the baby. He said to call back with any cramping or bleeding. Well... I started having braxton hicks in the afternoon, so I called him back. He then told me the same thing again--- there was nothing he could do to stop a miscarriage--- and don't come to the hospital unless I was doubled over in pain. He had the compassion of a brick wall.

The doctor yesterday made me feel so much better! His exact words were "you'd have to be shot in the abdomen or stabbed in the abdomen for this baby to be in danger." That immediately put my mind at ease!

As I'm writing, Colson is practicing his karate moves in my belly. Poor little thing is hungry! Time to go get some lunch.
8/24/2010 01:35:24 pm

You don't know how quickly my heart dropped when I got that text on Sunday! But I'm so glad everything is okay :) "Compassion of a brick wall"...good call! Sounds like an ass!

8/25/2010 01:15:46 am

Whoever that doctor is should not be practicing medicine....compassion means so much more even if things were to go wrong.
I am so glad everything is ok. I can only imagine how scared you must have been. These little ones are tough ya know? I think God designed our belly's perfectly. Colson is very well protected in there.
I am so glad you are ok. my, what stories you have for this little guy as he grows up. He is such a miracle.


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