I can hardly believe I'm already at 21 weeks! Colson is starting to get a sleep/wake cycle, which I hope doesn't carry over to after he's born! He sleeps until noon everyday and then is awake for a few hours after lunch. Back to sleep for a few hours and then from 4 to after midnight he's kicking and squirming. There will be some days I don't feel him move at all, but I usually don't go more than 36 hours without feeling him move.

After all the worry ,about shopping too prematurely, I am now in full nesting mode. Our doc told us that Colson would be viable at 24 weeks, and that's only 3 weeks from today! Each day after that he "cooks" is just icing on his developmental cake! The doctor said at 28 weeks, Vanderbilt has 100% survival rate in children born that early! Yay!

The panic is setting in. We will be bringing him home. That is exciting and scary all at the same time. I've never been pregnant with a child I have been able to bring home and care for. The "normal" freak-outs have begun and I'm starting to feel the need to get the house clean, to get him clothes and diapers and everything else a little baby needs. :-) It's definitely a new feeling, but it's a good one! We're preparing for a baby.

I know I've mentioned this before, but I wanted to say it again. A lot of people who have had losses have a very difficult time once the baby is born and with them. Having a baby is such an abstract concept until it actually happens and you're faced with the all night feedings, crying and diaper changes. I look forward to all of this, but I also know it will be stressful, too. But a good kind of stress. :-) And a very welcome type of stress.... No one will ever be able to say we didn't want you, Cole!
8/27/2010 05:46:12 am

The closer I get to my due date (14 days away!) The more I get saddened that I never got to bring our last child home. When I buy something for this baby I wish I could have bought something for her. I cry when I think about the first time I will see this baby....will she come to my mind? If I had brought her home I would not have had this baby and that causes a mix of emotions that are hard to describe. Today is the day 1 year ago I found out I was pregnant with her....so many emotions. I was putting up some of the babies clothes that I have and found her pregnancy test in my armoire. I cried again for several hours. The tears dont come as often anymore, but it proves that each child touches us in a special way and we never forget even if we "move on". Thanks again friend for sharing how you feel.


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