Colson is 3 weeks old. I can't believe how quickly it has gone by. My days, which used to drag on waiting for him to get here, have been consumed with feeding, changing diapers, rocking, playing and various other fun baby activities. There have been many times it has been overwhelming, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

He is such a good baby. He sleeps very well and wakes up 2-3 times per night to be fed and get his diaper changed. It's been so much fun to watch Brent be a father and it makes me love him that much more.

I am surprised by the fact that I feel guilt. I feel guilt that I'm not waking up with Kailee on my mind and going to sleep thinking of her. I know the guilt isn't warranted, but it's still there, regardless. I find myself wondering what she would look like now. Colson has already changed and grown so much in 3 weeks. He's turning into a little man!

I was at church yesterday and a visitor baby came into the nursery. She was 4 months old and her name was Kailee. Someone named all the babies in the nursery, and it was so odd hearing "Kailee and Colson." The names of my two babies.

When I was in labor with Colson, the nurses' had me walk laps around the hallway in order to get labor moving. Brent walked with me and we kept walking past "Labor Room 2". This was the same room where I had Kailee. We were walking past it for what seemed like the hundredth time, and we heard a baby being born. We heard the baby screaming and it was incredibly emotional. There are happy memories in that room, too!

Colson's arm is improving. Yesterday he was able to move it at the shoulder and wave it around. It surprised him! I don't think he knew it was his arm! Very cute. He still hasn't bent the elbow, and he continues to have trouble moving the arm if it's too far behind him, but it is definitely a huge improvement! We return to the doctor this week so he can check on it, but I imagine the doctor will just wait it out at this point since he's shown so much improvement in 3 weeks.
1/16/2011 11:46:20 pm

Friend...all I can say through my tears is that I LOVE his squishy little face...oh what a cutie! I am so happy for you.

1/17/2011 12:34:15 am

Your sweet, loving heart shines through these posts so clearly. Colson is a lucky boy to have such a mama. Kailee will always, always be in your heart. Nothing can take that away, not even the inevitability of time. Our hearts just grow and stretch with the addition of more children - isn't it amazing? God built mothers intricately, and the experience takes your breath away (it does mine, anyway!)

1/21/2011 04:51:46 am

You give me hope <3


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