I can't believe it's been 5 months. Sometimes the last 5 months feels like 5 years; sometimes it feels like 5 days....

I have been feeling better. Today has been difficult for me to get through. Thankfully we do not have to endure the 31st of the month EVERY month--- just 7 times..... When they do come, they are emotionally charged. I think about Kailee all day. Today i have thought about what she might be doing if she were 5 months old. I think about how she might look, how our lives would be so completely different. I wonder if I would love her more if I got to see her everyday. There's a strange thought.

I've been trying to keep myself busy and cry when I need to. It seems to have worked well for me. I came across a miscarriage do's and don'ts list today and thought it was appropriate. I gave it it's own page, so feel free to look and copy as you need to.
3/31/2010 10:37:24 pm

I'm stealing the whole thing :) I hope today is a better day!
Love you!

4/2/2010 07:16:48 am

Time goes fast and slow at the same time. It seems like yesterday and yet it seems like forever with Landry. Love you friend. Hope you have a great Easter filled with His love. I can see Kailee and Landry tying ribbons around the little bunnies in heaven.



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