We never "officially" had a 6 month anniversary for Kailee's birth and death. I sort of like not having to endure the 31st every month. Brent and I chose to look at the 30th as her 6 month mark. We went to the cemetary and put a monkey ribbon on her headstone. I went earlier this week because I wanted to read her another book, but there was a man close by who was acting sort of strangely, so I left.

Hopefully I will get to read her that book very soon.

This pregnancy is so weird. My due date is 18 days before Kailee's due date last year. The time of year reminds me of being pregnant with Kailee. The cravings are definitely different..... with Kailee I wanted sweet things all the time. Last night, I could have eaten an onion like an apple. I have been seriously craving things with onions in it. Gross!

Other than heartburn and cravings and being very hot, nothing much else has changed. One month from today we will get our first ultrasound. I am praying so hard that there will be a little heartbeat there.

We spent this weekend staying out of the rain. Tennessee flooded so badly that school is cancelled today. Saturday afternoon I was hunkered down in the closet while we were waiting to hear if a tornado was coming through. definitely exciting, but not in a good way!
5/3/2010 11:08:21 pm

You'll always remember the onions with chicken mini :)


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