This has been a really hard week. The anxiety is just overwhelming. It got to be so bad that I actually called the doctor to see if they could just check my pregnancy hormone to make sure it is where it's supposed to be. They agreed, and I had my blood drawn today. Hopefully that will put me at ease. 11 days left until our scheduled ultrasound.

We have one week of work left--- thank God--- because it is getting more and more stressful everyday.

Symptoms are still here. I monitor myself all the time. I HATE that I am worrying this much. I HATE that we've had 3 losses and it's made me into this crazy person who gets freaked out over every little thing. I know I have no control, so worrying really isn't getting me anywhere, but I can't seem to make myself stop. Hopefully it will get better after our ultrasound. Surely it will get better...
5/21/2010 10:59:37 am

First of all, I love you to pieces.
Second, you're not are a woman who has had more heartbreak than any 3 people combined should have in their whole lives.
It will get better, but you won't even realize it until you look back. And when you look back, you'll be in a better place, and be stronger for it. You're an amazing person, friend, wife, mother...human being and I don't want you to EVER forget that!

5/21/2010 07:51:37 pm

I hope that hearing the heartbeat will bring some sort of peace. hang in there mama!

5/22/2010 05:22:16 am

Deep breaths... I know it is so hard not to be anxious.
Matthew 11:28
Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Praying for peace and good numbers on that blood test!

5/22/2010 01:57:44 pm

You are so much stronger than this worry you feel inside. The devil loves it when we worry. Now before you call me "pot" let me explain... I was the same way with this pregnancy... for a very long time. It was all I could do to convince myself I was pregnant period. It was like I knew I was but didn't want to connect with anything in case something bad happened. Well I am 6 months now and still worry every day and have deicded this is just who I am now. Oh I work on it every day and know I should trust and some days I am better at it than others and some days I just plain suck at it, but through it all God has provided. They told me i wouldn't have another baby without surgery, they told me it would die, they told me not to even try and just be happy with the blessings I have... well to them I say MY GOD IS STRONGER THAN ANYTHING YOU THROW MY WAY. MY GOD KNOWS JUST WHAT I NEED. MY GOD KNOWS MY HEART AND HE WILL TAKE CARE OF ME NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. I care for you Carrie and I know how you feel. I pray everything goes just right and you have that sweet little one to snuggle with every day come January 2011. Love you!!

Varonica Watts
5/24/2010 07:54:32 am

Hugs to you and many prayers. Your friends above have said all I came to say but I wanted to let you know you have many people praying for you. The fear is the hardest to overcome.

Many hugs and prayers,


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