9 months ago today I was in labor with Kailee. It's amazing what can happen in 9 months time. Today has been a really good day! To  begin with, I got to spend a Saturday with Brent--- something that hasn't happened  in over a month!

Yesterday, I decided to look at an elective 3D ultrasound place. They had an appointment open for this morning, so Brent and I talked about it and decided it would help me to bond with this new kid. I want to be able to call the baby by name. I remember how much closer it made me feel to Kailee to know that she was a girl.

We got to our appointment, and she put the ultrasound wand on my belly. Our little baby is going to be so stubborn! We are definitely going to be in for it! He kept swimming away from the ultrasound wand! She tracked the baby down and finally was able to show us some good shots. Baby was keeping its legs crossed, so she had me get up and jump around for a few minutes. When I got back on the table, there HE was! We are having a little boy! We got to see his little feet and his perfectly formed spine. We watched as he kicked me multiple times and then threw a little punch at the ultrasound wand.

Kailee is going to have a little brother. The ultrasound tech isn't allowed to tell us any vital information like measurements...etc, the only thing she can really say is that he was a boy. We inquired about the amniotic fluid and her response was "you are definitely hydrated," so we are taking that as a good sign. Part One of the "big" anatomy ultrasound is in less than 2 weeks....
8/1/2010 03:51:02 am

You gave it away at the beginning of the third paragraph! Hurry, change it before someone sees! haha

8/1/2010 03:31:21 pm

Yeah! So exciting to have a little boy on the way with plenty of hydration!

8/2/2010 01:28:26 am

Oh my word.....I am crying for you! Boys love their Mommas so much, not that girls dont, but boys REALLY love their mommas. This is so exciting!! I am so glad everything is going so well for you this time. It wont be long and he will be in your arms....Kailee has a little brother....so sweet!!!


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