This baby has taken up residence.... I feel sick all the time--- morning, noon, night.... even when I get up to go the to bathroom at 2am, 3am, 4am...etc. Even though I feel like crap most of the time, I can't help but smile. I've heard the sicker you are, the healthier the baby. If that's true, then I think this baby might be able to cure cancer or something! :-)

I've made it to 9 weeks. I keep looking at statistics (now that I've seen the heartbeat, loss rate of less than 3%). They don't usually help much because Kailee was 1/40,000...... BUT making it to 9 weeks is a huge step.... 3 more weeks until the 2nd trimester! Come on June 25th!

I went to bed last night and couldn't stop staring at the pictures of Kailee. I thought about the night she was born and how soft she was. I never wanted to forget how soft she was. I fell asleep thinking of our little girl, and dreamt that I went into labor with Chikin Mini--- at the appropriate time! I have never had dreams of normal labor..... usually my dreams are someone killing the baby or the baby stopped growing...etc. Maybe my body is trying to tell me to calm down and just enjoy....
6/5/2010 09:24:36 pm

I am so glad you got to hear the heart and are having happier thoughts and dreams. i actually dreamt about you the other night and wanted to call you, but have no number for you. sending you good thoughts and prayers!

6/7/2010 04:33:11 am

So glad to hear that things are going good. I am sorry that you are not feeling well...but glad in a way also. Glad because it is a good sign. Praying for an easy uneventful pregnancy!


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