Yes, I am a slacker.... it's been harder for me to update this time as all my free time is taken with Colson! The past few weeks have been good. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat last week- beating along at 160! It was nice. I have also started feeling flutters more often and they seem to be getting stronger over the last few days. I like being able to feel the baby. It puts my mind at ease.

I continue to ignore the fact that I'm pregnant. Whenever people try to bring it up, I quickly change the subject. I'm not really sure why I'm doing that. I believe it's because I'm still in the denial mode and trying to protect myself. Apparently it's how I've chosen to cope so we'll go with it....

The anatomy ultrasound has been scheduled for the end of this month. I'm not really nervous about it yet--- mostly because, again, I'm ignoring the fact it's coming up. It's helping to ease the anxiety to focus on other things. Colson serves as the perfect distraction! :-)

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