I am so tired. Seriously.... It's been 6 months and 2 days since we found out Kailee's diagnosis and each day has been spent grieving. Grieving is exhausting mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

I've been tested a lot lately. There have been a lot of babies and pregnant women around me. I've had to just suck it up numerous times and "act normal" when I'm actually screaming on the inside. I can see how people can get lost in sheer anger when they are grieving. I don't want to be that person. I want to be happy again. I don't know that I'll ever be carefree again, but happy will do me some good.

i have found such a wonderful support group at babycenter.com!!!! These ladies are wonderful and they know exactly what to say---- mostly because they've been through baby loss. I have found such great comfort in just venting with them. It's comforting to vent something that I think is just "crazy" and have them all say that they've been there and have felt that way, too. I love the internet... without it, I would feel even more alone.
3/17/2010 10:46:48 pm

Ditto...seriously...everything. I'm just tired of it, too. I knew you'd love the girls and you never have to hide anything from them. Babycenter has been my lifeline...

3/18/2010 02:48:01 am

You told me about this site and I have checked it out.... WOW!!! Amazing what these other mommies have done for my soul. Not to mention you friend!! Thanks!!


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