Today is a very special day. It's Gabriel's birthday. Gabriel is a little boy who I never got the privilege of meeting, but has touched my heart in a way that I never thought it could be touched. Gabriel only lived two hours, but those two hours have made his parents able to minister to so many others. So many doors of friendship have opened because of this one little boy. WIthout Gabriel, I never would have even heard of his parents. I am so happy to know them. Without Gabriel, this blog that has been so healing for me never would have even existed.

Christians are supposed to help carry one another's burdens. The loss of a child is such a heavy burden--- no one can carry it on their own. I can honestly say that I've never met Gabriel's mommy or daddy face to face, but I feel like I know them better than some people that I consider a good friend. Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers today as they are missing their little boy so very much.

Gabe's Momma
8/23/2010 08:39:41 am

How sweet are you?? I'm so stealing this and putting it on my blog!!


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