For 2-3 days now I've just felt really sick to my stomach and anxious all over this doctor's appointment today. I was nervous about how I would react to the doctor (same doctor who delivered Kailee) and I was afraid that there would be no heartbeat. I understand these are all irrational fears, but I guess I just expect to hear bad things when I go in for OB appointments. In my mind I think it makes it easier to deal with somehow. Sort of a "expect the worst while hoping for the best" sort of deal.

We got to the doctor's office and they got us in. Our doctor came straight into the room and the first thing she did was hug me. We talked about Kailee for a little bit and I was able to thank her for coming back after her shift to deliver Kailee. (This was done with tears on my part, and I couldn't get the whole thing out.) She decided to listen for the heartbeat first thing to put my mind at ease. It took a little bit because our little one is such a mover and a shaker!!!! She would find him/her and then it would be gone! She got him/her cornered, and we were able to listen for awhile to the heartbeat of 160.

We discussed the upcoming anatomy ultrasound. I asked if she could do one earlier to check amniotic fluid. We have been scheduled at 19 weeks to get this done, and then will go back around 22 weeks for them to measure the chambers of the heart.

Overall, it was a very good appointment. I have really started to feel the baby moving. Yesterday was the first day of consistent movement and not just flutters. The baby moved from about 9pm-12am or so last night. I just laid there and enjoyed that feeling.

I think...... I THINK..... we just might get to bring home a baby this time.........
Elizabeth Roberts
7/23/2010 11:12:25 am

I am so glad that you had a good appt..I have been praying for you all Summer...I can understand your anxiousness and I am sure I would feel the same...You, Brent, and the baby are surrounded by love and prayers! I just found out the other my neice is expected and even though I am excited, I am sad...maybe it is time to come to terms with the fact I will never be a mother...but you have been have been and you are...I pray this baby comes home and that I will get to hold it...LOVE YOU!

Varonica Watts
7/23/2010 04:22:28 pm

Hugs to you. There are always so many things I want to say to you but I worry how it will sound. You describe your feelings so well that I think wow that is how I felt when I went through this.

I want to say though, Please don't ever think you are alone in how you feel (it is an unfortunate club we are all in). Sounds like you have an amazing doctor, one who will listen to you and understands your fears and anxioties.

I have kept you in my prayers since I learned of your story, doesn't sound right but niether does situation. I look weekly to see how you and your little one are doing and pray in between that it is good news you post. Hugs to you and your husband, prayers for your little one.

Thank you for sharing your feelings, I love your Do's and Don'ts area, though I have been through the pain of loss I find sometimes I am still guilty of the very things that hurt me to hear.

May you be blessed with a great 19 week scan and prayers each day you will feel the symptoms and movements that ease your heart.

Prayers and Thoughts,
Varonica Watts

Pamela Meier
7/23/2010 11:24:02 pm

Congrats Carrie! I don't think I saw the initial memo :) I am so happy for you and wish you nothing but the best. I hope peace finds you throughout this pregnancy.


7/25/2010 11:22:09 am

YAY FOR HOPE!!! I know how hard it is to even type (let alone speak) about your hopes for this baby, but you are one step closer to bringing this lil one home. Love you, girl!

7/25/2010 11:32:27 pm

What an awesome doctor! What an awesome little heartbeat! What awesome and brave parents to try again and have the faith that God wants us to have. I have no doubts that you will bring home a baby so beautiful it will amaze you every day. After all it's not every baby that had a big sister Kailee in heaven to watch over them and tell them what wonderful parents they have.

7/26/2010 01:56:07 am

I love reading your blog. I'm so excited about the great appointment. Although I should probably stop looking at it at work - I always tear up. (Happy tears, happy tears.) I look forward to meeting Chicken Mini. As always, praying for you and Brent and baby. I'm very glad to have you around.


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