Our ultrasound is over. Surprisingly I woke up this morning really excited about seeing our little one again. I counted down the hours until our appointment and was ecstatic when I saw the baby moving as soon as she put the ultrasound wand on my belly. Lucas must have been excited too because he has been popping me with little kicks all day long! He was crazy wild during the ultrasound. I couldn't believe how much he was moving around. The ultrasound tech kept commenting on how active he was. His amniotic fluid level was NORMAL and he has kidneys and a working bladder! Those were my main concerns. She wasn't able to see all of the anatomy of the heart, so she said that I would need another scan in 4 weeks. That's great news. It means I get to see him again.

So... obviously we are having another little boy. I am incredibly excited about another healthy baby in our family. It makes me a little sad that Kailee will be our only little girl, but I know that Colson will absolutely adore having a little brother to pal around with.
4/28/2012 12:24:59 pm

The end of your post didn't show up!

5/23/2012 01:06:10 pm

You're too quiet lady. Spill your guts ;)


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