Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I'm not sure how I feel about this day. It's a day set aside for mother's. Brent is being really sweet--- he's done his secret shopping and I know he's setting us up the perfect day tomorrow. He asked me what I wanted to do, and I want to do all of Kailee's favorite things--- drinking orange juice and eating cinnamon teddy grahams. I want to go to the cemetary and say hello. I want to kiss her little hand and foot molds and hug her little monkey blanket.

Not everyone sees me as a mother. A mother is supposed to have a baby or a child, right? WRONG! You can't tell a mother by just looking at her. A mother is a feeling in your heart. A mother is someone who has been pregnant and loved a child from that moment of seeing a positive pregnancy test. A woman becomes a mother the first moment that she sees those two lines whether or not a baby comes. Some of you reading this have friends who do not have children here on this earth---- their babies have gone to heaven. PLEASE, PLEASE don't discount them as mothers! Just because we haven't gotten to experience late night feedings or projectile vomiting doesn't mean we don't fit in that category. We have buried our babies---- something that, THANKFULLY, most mothers will never have to do.

So on this Mother's Day, please remember ALL the momma's out there--- with or without earthly children.

5/9/2010 04:25:33 am

I would love to eat Tyler's favorite things...but that includes chicken nuggets, McChicken sandwiches, sweet tea, mashed potatoes with too much butter, and gallons upon gallons of milk :) He was a healthy eater. I love you so much and I admire your strength. You are truly an inspiration and I couldn't be happier for you and Brent and Chicken Mini ;)

5/9/2010 01:20:58 pm

I wanted to let you know I have been thinking about you today and all the mothers out there who have heaven bound angels. And I wanted to wish you a happy mothers day also.

Hugs and prayers to you on this day.

5/10/2010 01:09:08 pm

Sorry I coudn't send you this the other day. I didn't expect it to be so hard for me. Last Sunday was my due date and I found myself crying all day. I was supossed to have her for Mothers Day.... funny how even though I am expecting again the emotions around her are as raw as ever. I am so happy for you and Brent and this Chik-n-Mini. I am so glad you are doing well. We have to meet soon or I am going to go crazy. Do you have any plans next weekend? Like say Sunday the 24th? Just let me know. Thanks always for your honest posts, they keep me sane.

5/10/2010 01:10:06 pm

I meant Sunday the 23rd

5/14/2010 05:55:38 am

Jolly Ranchers helped me with the morning sickness too - especially the sour ones. The other thing that helped a lot was lime popsicles (the ones from real lime juice). My tongue nearly fell out in protest from all the sour stuff, but it brought me some relief after weeks and weeks of feeling awful.
I'm thinking of you and praying for you and your sweet baby.


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