Music has been such a healer for me with everything I've been through with Kailee. I wanted to share a few songs that have really meant a lot to me.

The first song came to us via a DVD we received from a wonderful organization called Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. It's a network of volunteer photographers that donate their time and talents to photograph babies who have a terminal diagnosis. We have 57 photographs of Kailee that are absolutely priceless provided to us by this organization via our local photographer, Amy Rich. I have to say-- I've only listened to this song a few times. It breaks me down everytime I hear it, but it reminds me of Kailee.

The second song is "I Will Carry You" by Selah. I can't tell you how many times I have listened to this song. It's written by woman who learned her daughter, Audrey Caroline, was going to die shortly after birth. Sound familiar? She chose to carry Audrey full term and the lyrics really, really strike a chord with me.

The third one is "Held" by Natalie Grant... this is my new favorite most listened to song lately. It really strikes a chord with me and I love it. I've woken up multiple times in the middle of the night with these lyrics going through my head.

The fourth song was played at Kailee's funeral. I was driving to work one morning a few weeks after we had learned her diagnosis. I was praying for comfort and this song came on the radio. "What Faith Can Do" by Kutless. All the words were very powerful, but I found power in the 2nd verse. "It doesn't matter what you've heard, impossible is not a word, It's just a reason for someone not to try." I felt like everyone was telling me that it would be impossible for Kailee to live. I chose to believe in the impossible and I truly felt God was speaking to me in that moment giving me hope that everything was going to be okay.

The final song I wanted to share tonight is by Jars of Clay. It's called "The Valley Song." The first time I heard this song was in May 2009 at the funeral of a very dear friend. Not many people know this, but had Kailee been a boy, she would have carried the name Brandon after my very dear friend who lost his battle with cancer at the age of 29. Brandon was an incredible Christian and witnessed even during the very lowest valley's of his life. He was a great example and I would be lucky to have my child carry his name. This song signified hope to me.

10/4/2011 09:24:16 pm

just thinking about you as the 31st rolls around. i know you have new joy in your baby boy and love for your baby girl! and the mix of the emotions for both kiddos is a lot to handle. just know people are thinking of you even when we don't really know what to say.

10/11/2011 04:32:34 am

Just wanted to say thank you for sharing the wonderful songs. Prayers for you and your family.


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