I have been thinking a lot about Kailee today. Thinking about the day she was born, thinking about this time last year when I was scared and hopeful. We had a lot that we went through last year between the deaths of 3 of our animals, the death of a friend, selling and buying houses and the death of Kailee. I remember in the midst of our kitty, Nessa's, fight with feline leukemia I asked Brent "Do you think God is trying to prepare us for a sick baby?"

Now where did that question come from? I wonder if a mother truly knows when something is wrong with her child. Why else would I say that? Why else would it even come up? I think God was shaping us to be able to better deal with this tragedy. I know it sounds silly, but Nessa was our baby. She was our little kitty who got stuck in the birth canal and must have had oxygen deprivation of some sort because she was so sweet and innocent and-- I believe--- she was was mentally retarded.

So anyway, those are my random thoughts for the day.
6/16/2010 12:21:17 pm

Aww, poor Nessa :( The Lord works in mysterious ways and I feel like it's our job to look and really "see" those signs.


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