"Is this your first baby?" I can't tell you how much this question has come up now that we have Colson with us out in public. It's a terrible question, really, for a mother who has lost a child. How do you answer that? I've talked with a number of different people who have many different takes on how to answer it. I, personally, feel that if someone asks, they need to be prepared for the answer. I always say that he's our first living child. I know I've blogged about this before, but I feel like I should do it again because it's just been happening so much lately.

Colson is perfect. He wakes up two times during the night for diaper change and a feeding. He only cries when something is wrong--- unfortunately he thinks that pooping means that something is wrong! :-) He has kept me so busy over the last 7 weeks. I can hardly believe it's been 7 weeks. I love him more than I can put into words. I love both my children more than I can put into words.

I think about how lonely and terrible it was last February. I think about my blog post from Feb 1st last year a lot. This was the one where I was really letting out a lot of anger. (I try to be diplomatic on this site because I don't know who's reading, but I do have a private site just for me where I can freely vent unedited.)
2/8/2011 12:47:24 pm

I have a private site too. Nice isn't it? I hate answering that question too. It's like people are just being nice, they don't really want to know the answer....so why even ask?

I did have one sweet lady who, after I said I have 3 earthly children and one in heaven, ask me if the kids had a brother or a sister for an angel. What a sweet response, she didnt miss a beat. I didnt ask, but I would venture to say she has experienced a loss similar in her day. I dunno...maybe

2/10/2011 11:13:18 pm

I hate that question NOW...I'm terrified after Keira gets here. I think that's why I don't like talking to strangers about this pregnancy, I don't want "the question". Wow, little epiphany there. And for you, having him there, is even more complicated...having to say "first living" because Kailee lived, just in your womb. Boo! This sucks!


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