Yesterday was one of those days! I got to work in the morning and realized that there were baby showers scheduled for that day. I tried to put it out of my mind, but THAT didn't work. I began crying. I couldn't stop myself. I got my stuff, got in my car and called my boss. The sobs were HEAVING by this time. Mostly I was upset because they were having a shower for a lady who got pregnant 8 weeks after me. (I love you Angela and I am so glad you're going to have a baby if you're reading!!!!) It was incredibly difficult for me to see her have a shower when I haven't had one yet! Oh yeah, I know my baby died. I am absolutely aware of that fact, but it seemed out of order. For some reason I felt like I should have had a baby shower first and it just hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized that everyone is moving on.

Have you ever had a day like that? I ended up crying almost 6 hours yesterday. Tears just streaming down my face until I actually gave myself a headache, took some medicine and then went to sleep. Today I feel a little better, but still incredibly sad. I find it amazing that--- even 4 months later--- I can just break down like that an not be able to function on a normal level........
3/1/2010 09:30:56 pm

I'm so glad we got to talk yesterday. And you have to think about's ONLY BEEN 4 MONTHS! Think about all you've been through in the last year! 4 months is a VERY short time, my dear.
Good things are coming...they have to!

3/1/2010 11:23:12 pm

Time to God is the blink of an eye. Try not to tell yourself that your grief should end or be better according to a timeline. Baby showers will always make you think of Kailee, and thats normal for a mother. Love you!


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