I've been thinking about this question a lot lately. After losing Kailee, I insisted that I was a mommy to everyone I came into contact with. I still believe that to the core of my being. Let me tell you.... being a mommy to a living, breathing baby is HARD WORK, but being a mommy to an angel is much, much harder. Being Colson's mommy is so much different. I have become much more efficient, that's for sure. I can pump, feed him and work on the computer all at the same time. Crazy, right? Being a mommy to an angel is a different kind of work. It's trying to figure out ways to keep your child's memory alive. It's figuring out ways to honor birthdays, Christmas' ...etc. It's trying to figure out which flowers she would like on her grave, which outfits she would have liked to wear, what she would have looked like at 2 months old....3 months old...etc.

Being Colson's mommy has been hard work, but very rewarding. I hate to write this, but I need to because it's true and I want it to be an accurate portrayal of pregnancy/babies after loss. It took me awhile to bond with Colson. At 28 weeks, I "let" myself begin to plan for him. As I was pushing him out, I imagined his funeral because I was sure they were going to tell me that he was dead. We brought him home and here was this little stranger. I call him a stranger because we really had to get to know each other. He didn't know me and I didn't know him. I went through the motions of feeding, diapering, cuddling, etc with him, loving him the whole time I was doing it, but not feeling that "bond." I felt like I was taking care of someone elses' child.

This week was different. This week I saw my child get his 2 month shots and I bawled seeing him in that much pain. I held him all day yesterday as he ran a fever and gave him tylenol every 4 hours. Last night, he looked at me and smiled when he saw my face and then laughed at me for the first time. That sent me over the edge. We are bonded. I now know what to do when he's fussy or upset. I feel like an old pro at calming him.

Why did it take me so long to bond with him? I guess the truth is I was always bonded with him, but it was hard for me to admit that because I was still so afraid of losing him. I have to tell you, I'm still afraid of losing him. It's not as bad as when I was pregnant, but it's still there. Once you've lost a child, nothing is ever the same.

2/26/2011 10:32:59 am

I have not lost a child of my own, so I can't feel exactly what you're feeling. I have lost two brothers (both terminally ill when adopted), and my folks did have done foster care since I was a child, which meant countless kids that came to our home, were greatly loved, and then moved on. For a LONG time after Jimmy was born, I had this terrible, subconscious fear that someone was going to come take him away from me. I never really acknowledged it, but it nagged at me. When I finally realized what I was thinking and fearing and faced it, it eased some for me, which was good. Now, I can just enjoy my son (and my daughter now as well), which is a huge gift. I'm so glad the ice has broken for you and your little prince. You've been a mommy all along, just as you said, and that comes with so many fears and realizations along the way. I couldn't be happier for you, as you move along this road!

2/26/2011 10:33:58 am

"Have done", not "did have done". *sigh*

2/26/2011 02:45:20 pm

As always, I appreciate your honesty...still not looking forward to it, though!

2/28/2011 06:55:31 am

Carrie, you always hit the nail on the head. Cian is 6 months old next Tuesday and I hate to say it but I have only "felt" bonded for maybe 2 months. I feel like an awful mother when I admit it. I was VERY fearful he would die my whole pregnancy and during birth as well. Now, one thing I want to clarify is that just because I was not bonded didnt mean I didnt love him. I loved him dearly. I think my heart was just guarded with a very big padlock. Thanks again for always sharing your inmost feelings. I know you are helping so many people. I love you friend.

3/5/2011 01:43:42 pm

You really express feeling in a great way. I felt the same way with both mine at birth. I lost two, before having them. I decided at one point that since I could not give my angels presents at Christmas we would adopt an angel of their same ages from that year and donate the gifts.

I still have the fear of losing my two earth bound angels. Probably drive their pediatrician crazy with questions (they are 9 and 7 now) but every little odd thing is questioned and looked into. And I explained my feelings to her, and she smiles and reminds me it is okay.

My prayers are with you as you go day to day year to year, hour to hour. It has been 12 years this year since I lost my first angel, the feelings of love are still there. I have learned to deal with the how many do you have, and depending on my mood and what I feel like dealing with I answer that question. My two will sometimes answer for me, "we have a brother and sister who are angels in heaven". Having been there I also know we each deal differently with what we have lost. Many hugs and prayers to you as you walk this new journey as a mom to both an earth bound and a heaven bound angel.


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