We've passed viability!!! One of my fears with having such a big baby was that I would test positive on my gestational diabetes test. That is NOT the case! I passed!!! Yay! SO.... that means I have a BIG baby in there!

My big baby loves poking my belly! It's to the point now where I can feel him on the outside with my hand which is SOOOOO cool! I could never feel Kailee like that.

I'm also starting to get very tired easily. Tying my shoes has turned into my exercise for the day!

We have another ultrasound on Thursday to check for growth. My blood pressure remains stable at this point, and everything is looking NORMAL!

I believe I am also ready for a baby shower. That is a HUGE step for me to be able to say outloud. I am really glad that Colson is a boy because I am still having a terrible time with little girl showers. I just can't make myself go. The overwhelming pink is so sad for me. I am ready, however, to get prepared for Colson! I feel the nesting instinct. I plan on washing the shells of his diapers this afternoon and then running the cloth inserts through for the last time before he uses them! So exciting!

Life is good.

Varonica Watts
10/4/2010 03:20:54 pm

SOOOOOO, Happy for you and excited. Keeping you in my prayers.

10/5/2010 01:15:44 pm

Love you! And so happy you're feeling so good!


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