We had our ultrasound this week. It went great! We got an amazing face shot of Cole looking right at us! You can see his little chubby cheeks!

He still continues to measure big, which is fine with me, though I am getting a little apprehensive about his final weight before birth and how much that's going to hurt!!!!

Colson's newest favorite thing to do is to keep mommy up at night! Especially between the hours of 2-5am. He begins kicking and kicking until I wake up and poke him back.

27 weeks seems to be a big trigger for me. Kailee was born at 27 weeks, 6 days--- which will be this Thursday. It's crazy for me to think that I've never been further along than 27w6d. I've been thinking a lot about her this week. It gives me something to compare Colson to. I can't believe there's a baby in me as big as Kailee was right now! 

Hopefully I will spend more time in the 3rd trimester than I did with Kailee, but I have to say that I am so ready to have this baby. I feel guilty about it, but I really am so tired of being pregnant. It sounds selfish and I would be so mad at someone who said that when I was trying to get pregnant, but I really am exhausted. Over the last 22 months, I've been pregnant 67 weeks, 2 days.
10/11/2010 12:52:00 pm

I had those same feelings with Cian. I had not been pregnant as long as you had, but out of the last 16 months I was pregnant for 14 of them. It is hard on your body and tiring to be honest and anyone who has not been there does not understand why you would say that. I saw the picture of Colson on your FB page...adorable!! Hang in there with all the hustle of the end of the school year (calendar wise) and holidays and stuff I know January will be here befpre you know it.

10/11/2010 10:13:23 pm

Yeah for healthy baby boy!!!

10/12/2010 12:44:41 am

It's different to be annoyed when women who have always had healthy pregnancies complain about being pregnant...you have an excuse. You've been pregnant for a REALLY long time with no baby at home. Complain away, love.


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