Kailee's birthday was very, very hard. That's about all I can write about it right now, but I did want to mention it since it was my last post.

Colson is doing amazing! He's measuring nice and big for his age. We were surprised to hear today that he's already 6 pounds! I still have 8 weeks to go! Who wants to place bets that he'll be here next month? :-)

Everything looks good. He's doing his practice breathing and the fluid level is great! My blood pressure has been acting crazy, lately, but they're keeping a good eye on it and it hasn't been bad enough to put me on bedrest, so I take that as a very good sign.

Otherwise, we are getting ready for him to arrive. It's great seeing all the baby things around the house! We received our travel system today (thanks mom and dad!), so when Brent gets home tonight, I'll have him strap in the carseat---- just in case. :-)

I've been having some contractions, but nothing regular at this point, and they don't really hurt. They just feel like muscle spasms in my stomach. Cole is head down, so that's another blessing.

I have also made it through 2 baby showers! I have another one this weekend, so that's really exciting, too! Everything is coming together and I am so impatient lately. I am so ready to meet this little guy!
11/12/2010 08:18:32 am

I can't wait to see him!

11/12/2010 12:38:47 pm

I cant wait to meet him either!! Things are really coming together now...so proud of you for making it through the showers. I am about in tears for you right now...I so understand your joy...it is different than other joy I ever experienced.
Much love!!!


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