It's official. I am 4 weeks pregnant today. If all goes well, our due date will be January 7, 2011. It's strange being pregnant again. I've had a few episodes of nausea and some heartburn. The biggest thing I've noticed is I just feel hot ALL THE TIME. Don't get me wrong--- under no circumstances am I complaining about any of these symptons. It sounds odd, but all of them give me comfort that things are going alright.

I like that we've decided to share with people. I already feel more supported. I can't tell you how many people ask everyday how I'm feeling. It takes off a lot of the stress.

I can't help but wonder what it would be like if we still had Kailee. She would make such an awesome big sister! I don't know if I've ever written about this on here, but when I picture Kailee, I picture a bossy little girl. I'm not sure why!!!! Is that mean of me as a mother? To think my baby girl would have been bossy? :-)

I went to the cemetary on Monday and introduced Chicken Mini to KaileeBug. I know she's not here, but it makes me feel better to do this. I've started trying to talk with chicken mini on my way to work..... This is something I used to do with kailee all the time, and I look back on those conversations with  happiness now. It was "mommy/daughter" time. One of the main reasons I'm "talking" to this little one so early is that many women who have been through traumatic pregnancy loss have a really hard time bonding with another baby while pregnant. I don't want to regret anything, so I've decided to just start doing what I do when I'm pregnant--- even this early.
5/1/2010 07:43:08 am

Carrie, I just have a wonderful fuzzy feeling about this. It can't be explained but it is there. I am so glad you are having symptoms, it does make you believe things are rolling along as they should be. Hope you have a great weekend!!

Varonica Watts
5/5/2010 09:46:36 am

Congratulations. Keeping you, your husband and the little on in our prayers.

May it be a pregnancy filled with as much joy as it can be. Hoping for many pregnancy symptoms (mild) but many for that feeling of secerity they seem to give moms who have lost little ones.


Varonica Watts
5/5/2010 09:50:52 am

to put a better sound to that. I remember my after pregnancies and I loved the symptoms, disliked them a little but lived for them daily because of what meaning was behind them.

No complaints heard by me sounds like a proud mom enjoying every moment that this brings.

Hugs. Hope this doesn't sound to weird.


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