Our appointment was a waste of time, unfortunately. We got there and the geneticist began talking about Kailee. I'm not sure why--- we know why she died. I asked her about the miscarriages. Do you know what she said? They don't start looking at stuff until 3 miscarriages, and we already knew why Kailee died, so she doesn't factor into that equation. I've gotten to the point now where I'm ready to just say "well, next time I miscarry....." Isn't that sad? It's very sad. We work to hard to get pregnant and then I expect for something to go wrong!

I was thinking about this all week wondering why I'm so negative. Part of it is because I'm just so sad, but another part is that I've never had a successful pregnancy. I've been pregnant 3 different times. We have no baby in our home right now. I have never actually brought home a baby to care for. I think that's a big reason for why I'm feeling so negative about the whole situation.

Kailee's room is beautiful. I moved a  bookshelf in there this morning and filled them with all of the books we received from everyone in the last 6 months or so! It's amazingly beautiful. I hope Kailee likes it.
4/8/2010 11:10:19 am

Carrie, Hi I got your comment on my blog. Thank you for sharing Kailee with me! She is absolutely beautiful! I truly feel like us angel mama's have a sisterhood that was created by God. He has given us each other in order to comfort one another. Because you know as well as I do that unless you have been here, it is just not the same. God bless you! I will be praying that He will bless you with a fourth little one. I had three miscarriages before I got pregnant with my first son. It is so very hard. Then we lost Eli. I know God has a reason and sometimes I beg him to show me just so I can rest. Then again will we ever rest? Kailee's story is so precious and I love your candidness.

4/9/2010 05:09:39 am

Friend, I love the picture of Kailee at the top of your blog...I have never seen that one before. Such a pretty girl!!!

Varonica Watts
4/10/2010 02:59:55 am

Hugs to you and your husband.

4/20/2010 11:41:09 pm

I agree, Kailee room and book shelf are beautiful! I am certain that Kailee loves the room you have made for her.


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