He's here, he's safe and he's perfect! He was born December 24th at 9:11pm. He weighed in at a very healthy 10 pounds and he is 22.5 inches!

I'll write more later, I promise.
12/25/2010 11:43:40 pm

Wonderful, wonderful, and again most wonderful. Merry Christmas to you and your family! What a gift!

12/26/2010 10:11:35 am

Congratulations! After this long long journey to get here, congratulations doesn't seem to be enough to say. however, i can't think of anything more perfect than congratulations! you have a baby in your home!!!! all of your angel babies must be celebrating with you!!!!

12/26/2010 12:24:59 pm

Words can not express how happy I am for you, Brent and Kailee. He is here and healthy and perfect in every way. I know it has been one hard and long journey to get this little guy here. Please know that just because you have Cole at home now the prayers will not stop. There will still be days that are hard and you will always miss Kailee and when you see Cole do something you will always wonder how Kailee would have done it, and speaking from experience it can tough. So, I am still here for you in every way. Please do NOT ever hesitate to call on me for anything. Love you friend!!

Varonica Watts
12/27/2010 01:38:27 am

Tears of joy for you and your family. Congratulations. Most everything I can think to say was said above. Many hugs and so happy for you and your husband.

Continued prayers for you all.

12/30/2010 01:23:07 pm

YAY!!!!! He is such a cutie! I can't wait to hold him! I have thought about you all many times today. I hope everything is going great now that you are home. I will talk to you soon!



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