April was the month we got pregnant with Kailee. I love April--- spring is just beginning, thunderstorms are looming! There's nothing like sitting safe inside your house watching a nice, loud thunderstorm!

April is also our lucky month. We found out yesterday that I am, again, pregnant. Fourth time's a charm???? Many, many emotions are swirling around in my brain. I am scared, happy, terrified, elated, anxious and just all around emotional!

So I guess you've figured out we've decided to tell. I SWEAR I had NO IDEA when I wrote the last post that I was pregnant.... I know what you're thinking, "thou doth protest too much", but I promise! :-0

So now the waiting game begins. The doc put me on a supplement today that's supposed to help, and I am scheduled in June for the first ultrasound. God willing, we will be holding our child in our arms January 2011. Brent and I have decided to refer to our little one as "Chicken Mini" cuz I LOVE chicken mini's from Chick-Fil-A!!!!!
4/26/2010 11:34:51 am

I am so thrilled for you! You will be
in my prayers daily.

4/26/2010 11:17:20 pm

Can I call him or her Baby G? I kinda like that ;)

4/27/2010 12:47:47 am

I am going to give you my personal email so we can talk without using FB or whatever.... it is [email protected] or you can email me at work [email protected]

4/27/2010 03:43:21 am


4/27/2010 09:44:41 am

That is such wonderful news. I will pray that you have the most uneventful pregnancy ever!

Varonica Watts
5/1/2010 01:26:27 am

Congratulations. We are keeping you in our prayers.


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