Two simple little words that get taken for granted so often! I can not even begin to explain how thankful I am to have carried Colson to 37 weeks-- full term. If he were born today, he would more than likely not spend any time in the NICU! I read somewhere a quote that really has stood out to me over the last 9 months or so.... "Ask a mother of a premature baby how much of a difference one little day can make."

Things continue to go well with Colson. He is measuring big, but we already knew that. The ultrasound this morning measured him at 8lbs, 15oz. The doctor said those numbers can be off by as much as a pound and a half in either direction. I'm being seen twice per week now. Colson seems to be running out of room because his movements have changed. I can't believe we will be able to see his sweet little face in less than 3 weeks!
Varonica Watts
12/17/2010 10:55:37 am

So happy for you. Waiting for that post that says he is here. Hugs and continued prayers.

12/20/2010 06:34:31 am

These are words you will never forget. So happy for you friend!


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