I have been looking forward to celebrating Kailee's birthday these last few months. The closer we get to the day, the more my grief has intensified again... As if it is very fresh again and I find there are times where I can't stop crying. Last night, I was thinking about everything we went through and I felt like I was thinking about someone elses' story because it was just too painful for me to handle right at that second. I physically had to make myself stop thinking about it because I was getting too upset. I ended up crying for almost 2 hours because I just couldn't stop.... you know the crying I'm talking about? Where you can be smiling about something else, but the tears still pour down your face without your permission.

I think this week is just going to suck. I am also having irrational fears..... thank God I know they're irrational. I actually asked Cole on the way to work this morning if he was just sleeping or if he was dead. Even though I feel him moving a lot, I can't help but wonder if it's just my mind playing tricks on me. I told you they were IRRATIONAL! I keep telling myself that everything is fine.... Brent can feel him kicking, too, so it's not just me.

So many people can say "just relax, nothing will go wrong." You know what? Unless you've been here, there is no possible way you can understand. I don't mean that to sound insulting or crass, but, seriously, you no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to understand.

I'm afraid for my child's life BECAUSE I have lost a child. This week makes it worse because we're almost to one year of losing Kailee. Sometimes I find myself wishing I would just go into labor early again. He is big enough that he would have to spend time in a NICU, but he would be okay. I feel COMPLETELY responsible for his well being right now. I feel like I have to monitor myself all the time because I'm so afraid of losing him.
10/25/2010 01:26:20 pm

I have been thinking about you a lot. Anniversaries are hard. I cried all day October 1st while holding Cian...feeling a sense of guilt because if she had lived I would not have had him to hold....very conflicting emotions. I wish you a peace only God can give. I am afraid anniversaries will always be like this for me.

10/25/2010 04:50:24 pm

hang in there. i don't know what else to say except that i am sorry you are hurting.

keep Cole in there. From one NICU mom, you do not want to have to go down that road. not at all! it was an awful time. i am still not able to go back and do the boys' baby books because i can't look at pictures from that time. keep him growing and be excited about the day you bring home a healthy baby without NICU worries!!!!

keep talking to your babies and praying to God. no one should suffer the way you all have!

10/27/2010 11:10:12 am

I think we're always going to have irrational fears for our children. "This, too, shall pass." You know how many times a day I tell myself that? haha Too damn many!

10/31/2010 07:43:43 am

Hugs to you. It is a pain like no other. Many hugs and prayers to you as you go through this.


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