I was thinking about all the different roles I have played in my life. Not in a movies or plays or anything, but just in normal, everyday situations. I've been a daughter; I've been a "good girl"; I've been a comedian; i'm a wife..... etc. I've recently added "bereaved mother" to the list. That is DEFINITELY not something I would have chosen. I know that I can be myself around certain people.... I know that I can say whatever is on my mind when talking with Brent, and he won't get his feelings hurt. That's part of what makes him awesome! I know I can talk with my BFF, and she won't get her feelings hurt. I like to act silly and crazy around both of them. I CHOOSE to act that way around them, because that's who I am! I like to be funny. I like random, corny jokes. I even like jokes about people farting! (Don't tell anyone!) :-) There are certain places I would never act this way, though. I would never act that way in church or at work. It's just not appropriate. I "put on my mask" to go to church. Same thing with work. I have to have a professional demeanor with the adults I work with. (Now with the little ones, it's a different story..... but, again, a different mask,)

Recently I have had to pretend that I'm normal. Come on, let's face it. No one REALLY wants to get into that akward conversation about "how are you doing since your baby died?" It's not normal conversation. So, I pretend that everything is getting back to "normal" at work and church and school...etc. People think I'm doing very well with my grief; I think I'm doing well with my grief...... Grief is a funny thing, though. Just when you think you're truckin' along, BAM, out of nowhere it hits you like a semi-truck. These are the times where I have the most trouble..... those steps back really discourage me. If it happens at work (I see a pregnant woman, or hear about someone else being pregnant),  I have a work VERY hard to hide what I truly anm feeling. I'm pretending. I'm putting on my mask to make sure that other people are comfortable and the subject of my dead baby won't silence a room full of people.

I am also put into the role of the caretaker. Sometimes when people come to ask how I am, I feel like I end up taking care of them instead of the other way around. Maybe my expectations of people are too high. It is a very uncomfortable situation to be in--- on BOTH ends. I totally understand that. I don't know how to fix it, but I do know it's caused more than one very long, akward silence. 

So, I will go back to work again tomorrow wearing my "I'm fine that my baby died" mask. I'm just glad I can take it off around those closest to me and just  be myself.
2/9/2010 01:34:26 am

I am glad to be a part of your life. I do hope that you are able to find more people who can love on you and take care of you during this time.

2/9/2010 01:54:58 am

I am glad I found you when Kailee died. I wish people didn't feel so awkward asking about our dead children. I think because they feel awkward we feel that they have forgotten or do not care. There are very few people in my life that dont get their feelings hurt when my emotions are raw and just out there. I have come to learn that God gave me these people so that I can face the others. I wear masks too.

2/9/2010 01:08:34 pm

I forbid masks in my presence...just so you know :)

Varonica Watt
2/14/2010 11:44:20 am

I know you don't know me. I wanted to offer you a cyber hug and prayer.

I remember like it was yesterday the pain you describe the heart ache, anger and the mask.

It is winter and I wanted to say something that helped me with my anger more than anything I could do and since they are calling for a snow. Of all the odd advice I offer to anyone this sounds the strangest. After one of my losses I was upset we had a decent snow fall and I got so angry, I wanted my life to be different, the anger wasn't at anyone in particular but was there, I built a snow man in the snow and the anger just flooded in and I let the snow man have it, he didn't stand a chance at all he took the full blow of all my anger. My husband watched from our living room window and asked when I came in if I felt better. Not better persay but I had let go of some of that anger I felt

My heart and prayers are always with you. I hope you are not offened by my words above.

Varonica Watts


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