Brent and I were talking about the miscarriage last night. We've been trying to decide what to do next time I get pregnant---- NOOOO, I am not pregnant right now! We've told people early (the first pregnancy) and we've waited until 10 weeks (Kailee) and we told no one about the 3rd pregnancy that ended in miscarriage except for close family and friends---- of course that means YOU, because you are reading my blog. Thank you for caring enough about us to check in. I can't tell you how much it means to see that AT LEAST 20 people per day look at Kailee's site.

Brent brought up a good point. My gut reaction is to wait and tell people until the kid is actually born and given a clean bill of health! I know that's not really feasible, but it's the gut reaction I have. I'm trying to protect people from all the heartache involved in trying to have a child. Brent was talking last night about how life begins at conception according to our beliefs. Why then are we not celebrating that and telling people? Aren't our friends supposed to be happy with us when we are happy? They've definitely been sad with us when we've been sad. The third miscarriage was the COMPLETE opposite of Kailee. I can probably count on 2 hands the number of people who even knew I miscarried. It's so sad that a life was lost. Is that life any less important than Kailee's life who we shared with everyone?

So that's my conundrum. We haven't decided what we're going to do--- I'm not pregnant right now, so it's not really a pressing issue, but it is something we've been thinking about.

Kailee's dresser came yesterday. We assembled it last night and it is now in her room. Her little room is now pink with a cute wallpaper border. We've set up the crib, changing table and dresser. I've also put a bookshelf in there filled with all the books that people added to our "In Memory of Kailee" library. There are cloth diapers in the changing table and decorations on Kailee's dresser--- mostly things that came from people after she died like stuffed monkey's. It's beautiful and peaceful in there, and I LOVE it. It brings me such a sense of calm to know that she was here on this earth.

Another thing that has been on my mind lately is how insensitive some people can be. I don't want to write about specifics on here because I'm not sure who is reading, but it amazes me how quickly people can forget to put their brain in gear before they open their mouths.

I think the reason that I am so sensitive about this topic is because I'm not pregnant. I'm very, very frustrated that we don't have a baby to bring home by this point. We started trying October 2007 for goodness sake! It's frustrating to be out of control of a situation.

So there are my random thoughts for the week.It's started hailing, so I'd better go look at a weather report!
4/26/2010 04:31:37 am

Whatever you decide I support you 100%. Ron and I are not finding out the sex of our baby and people are questioning us and saying all kinds of insensitive things..... so idiots abound! I am here for you in any way that you need always.


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