Such wonderful news! Our little baby's heartbeat is trucking along at 171 beats per minute. We have our very first little picture.... he or she looks like a little gummy bear. A big head and stumpy arms and legs! Sooo cute!

Our miscarriage rate has dropped to less than 3% now that we've seen the heartbeat. We talked with them this morning about doing the 20 week ultrasound around 18 weeks to check for fluid. They were fine with that.

I have been so sick the last few days. I am greatful that I now have some anti-nausea medicine! That will make me feel a little bit better, at least. I don't remember being this sick with Kailee, but Brent insists that I was! I guess it IS true.... after we have that baby, we forget all the bad stuff! :-)

6/2/2010 03:46:49 pm

Oh honey, I'm glad everything went so well. I'm sorry I haven't kept in better touch, but it sounds like I wouldn't have gotten ahold of you anyway...sleepy head! haha I'm glad school's out now, just relax and enjoy!

6/3/2010 12:28:17 am

I didnt get a chance to check this yesterday and I dreamed about you all night long!! YEA!!!!! I am soooo happy for you. I know hearing a strong heartbeat like that is music to a mommas ears. It sounds like everything is just perfect. Oh how happy I am for you!!!

Mandy Crowell
6/3/2010 03:00:19 am

Yeah, yeah!!! Since we don't see each other on Tues night now I have to keep a better check on the blog. I was thinking of you guys and wondering how baby was doing. You have been in my prayers. Hang in there!

mandy crowell
6/3/2010 03:02:26 am

After i hit send I realized I should have spelled that Yay, yay but you probably knew what I meant!

Varonica Watts
6/3/2010 04:43:56 am

Yay!!! I am so happy for you.

Keeping the 3 of you in my prayers.


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