Maybe this will make it easier for me to post! :-) I am 31 weeks, 4 days pregnant now. Lucas is so active. Brent was able to feel his crazy movements this week. He said he had never felt a baby move that much before. We will definitely have our hands full!

I start my testing this Friday. Every Friday I will have a BPP and every Tuesday I will have a NST. The doctor will be monitoring so closely because of my blood pressure issues. I'm glad I'll be that closely watched, but it's also hard because my job is an hour away from my doctors office.

Lucas continues to measure between the 49-61st percentile on each ultrasound. They say not to get too excited- the 3rd trimester is when baby's put on the most weight. I secretly am looking forward to actually using some of the newborn clothes! :-)

Otherwise, everything continues to roll smoothly here. Colson is amazing. He is learning and growing at an incredible rate. He's so curious about the world and I love watching him grow.
7/18/2012 07:23:52 am

Awwww look how adorable he is..he has grown so much. I know you are excited to meet Lucas. I am so glad you are feeling a lot of activity, thats always music to a BLM's heart!! Thinking about you daily.


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