9 months ago today I was in labor with Kailee. It's amazing what can happen in 9 months time. Today has been a really good day! To  begin with, I got to spend a Saturday with Brent--- something that hasn't happened  in over a month!

Yesterday, I decided to look at an elective 3D ultrasound place. They had an appointment open for this morning, so Brent and I talked about it and decided it would help me to bond with this new kid. I want to be able to call the baby by name. I remember how much closer it made me feel to Kailee to know that she was a girl.

We got to our appointment, and she put the ultrasound wand on my belly. Our little baby is going to be so stubborn! We are definitely going to be in for it! He kept swimming away from the ultrasound wand! She tracked the baby down and finally was able to show us some good shots. Baby was keeping its legs crossed, so she had me get up and jump around for a few minutes. When I got back on the table, there HE was! We are having a little boy! We got to see his little feet and his perfectly formed spine. We watched as he kicked me multiple times and then threw a little punch at the ultrasound wand.

Kailee is going to have a little brother. The ultrasound tech isn't allowed to tell us any vital information like measurements...etc, the only thing she can really say is that he was a boy. We inquired about the amniotic fluid and her response was "you are definitely hydrated," so we are taking that as a good sign. Part One of the "big" anatomy ultrasound is in less than 2 weeks....
For 2-3 days now I've just felt really sick to my stomach and anxious all over this doctor's appointment today. I was nervous about how I would react to the doctor (same doctor who delivered Kailee) and I was afraid that there would be no heartbeat. I understand these are all irrational fears, but I guess I just expect to hear bad things when I go in for OB appointments. In my mind I think it makes it easier to deal with somehow. Sort of a "expect the worst while hoping for the best" sort of deal.

We got to the doctor's office and they got us in. Our doctor came straight into the room and the first thing she did was hug me. We talked about Kailee for a little bit and I was able to thank her for coming back after her shift to deliver Kailee. (This was done with tears on my part, and I couldn't get the whole thing out.) She decided to listen for the heartbeat first thing to put my mind at ease. It took a little bit because our little one is such a mover and a shaker!!!! She would find him/her and then it would be gone! She got him/her cornered, and we were able to listen for awhile to the heartbeat of 160.

We discussed the upcoming anatomy ultrasound. I asked if she could do one earlier to check amniotic fluid. We have been scheduled at 19 weeks to get this done, and then will go back around 22 weeks for them to measure the chambers of the heart.

Overall, it was a very good appointment. I have really started to feel the baby moving. Yesterday was the first day of consistent movement and not just flutters. The baby moved from about 9pm-12am or so last night. I just laid there and enjoyed that feeling.

I think...... I THINK..... we just might get to bring home a baby this time.........
I still can't believe I've made it this far. I get more and more nervous as week 18-20 approaches. We will have our big anatomy scan sometime during that period to determine whether or not there is amniotic fluid. They will also check to make sure all vital organs are present, accounted for and functioning correctly.

I continue to have symptoms, which is great. I keep a check on myself everyday. I've been having more and more round ligament pains this week in the same spot I had them with Kailee, so I know that something is growing!

I start back to work again the first week in August, so I'm definitely not looking forward to that. With work comes stress--- lots and lots of stress. (Like I'm not already stressed enough.... )

Otherwise, not much new to report. Just counting down the days until our next appointment and telling Chicken Mini to hang in there!
A new and strange thought entered my head this afternoon as we were leaving church. I have been pregnant for 54 weeks over the last 16 months..... No wonder I'm so worn out!

I am at 14 weeks now in this pregnancy. I'm starting to feel a little bit "safer". Still counting down the days until our doctor's appointment. New symptoms are starting to emerge--- lots of heartburn, round ligament pain...etc. I am glad for everyone, though I had really hoped the round ligament pain would hold off for a bit! It was terrible with Kailee!

I have started wanting to look at baby stuff. I am not buying anything yet, but the fact that I have been looking is really a big step for me.
I have been reading a new book today written by Angie Smith. She lost her daughter Audrey Caroline in 2008. In this book is a quote that really spoke to me.

"I will permanently bear the mark of a woman who has lost her child. Many of us are walking here-- in the grocery store, at the neighborhood barbeque, at the movies. We walk without necessarily recognizing each other, side by side and a million miles apart. If you are one of these women, I want you to know that as I write these words, I am praying for you. I am mourning what you have lost in this life. I am praying that God will fill you as only He can, and that in time, you (and I) will be with our daughters and our sons again."